Individual Therapy

Dr. Shelley has a part time private practice in New Smyrna Beach Florida where she offers 60-90 minute individual sessions. She uses a combination of CranioSacral Therapy, traditional therapy and energy healing.

Dr. Shelley believes that all pain is energy and can therefore be released. She specializes in using her laser intuition to assist you in pinpointing your personal mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual blocks—the hindrances that prevent you from having a life experience that is joyful and expansive.

Another aspect of her therapy that is pivotal in effecting change is learning how to be fully present in your body—in other words, learning to be grounded. To use an analogy, in order to drive your car, you must be in it. The same is true for healing. In order to heal your body, it is imperative that you be fully grounded in your body. When you are fully grounded, you can embody the changes you want.

The therapeutic process is led by you and your body. She believes it is necessary for you to be in charge of your process. The first step in that process is a simple yet powerful one: You set an intention for what you want from your session and allow the process to unfold. As soon as you set an intention to change, the energy in your body begins to shift.

Your life experiences leave energy imprints in your body that create a library of your life journey. The combination of techniques that Dr. Shelley uses—psychotherapy, CranioSacral therapy, and energy healing—expedites the healing process and creates the opportunity for you to experience what Dr. Shelley calls a Cellular Shift.

When you take part in Dr. Shelley’s therapy process you will learn to:

  • Be more present in your body

  • Identify your limiting patterns

  • Be more aware of your negative thoughts

  • Be more in tune with what you are feeling emotionally and physically

  • Understand the layers of your emotions

  • Be more efficient in releasing your emotional pain

  • Improve your ability to Self Care

  • Embody peace and joy

  • Create the life you want

To learn more about these concepts, you can order Making the Cellular Shift, by Dr. Shelley Lynch, at,, or