The Ocean Float
What is an Ocean Float?
The ocean Float is an opportunity to relax in calm, shoulder deep water while supported by other people, the water and environment. It is a stress relieving experience which provides the opportunity to connect deeper with yourself and nature.
Science shows that being in, on or around water is relaxing and restorative. The benefits of the ocean Float are many, such as the ability to let go of stress, feel calmer, more peaceful and restore balance. Floating in salt water creates a nearly weightless experience, offering the perfect environment for the body to relax, reveal its needs while releasing emotional, physical and mental barriers. In addition, amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus in the womb is similar in composition to sea water, giving the participant a sense of safety. As a result, you may experience feeling rested, balanced and lighter.
What are the benefits of the Ocean Float?
Improves Mindfulness
Helps release stress and tension from your nervous system
Restores balance by releasing tension from your muscles
Gives you the opportunity to experience a state of peace and relaxation
Supports the letting of emotional pain
Helps your mental body relax
Provides an opportunity to connect with nature
Eases pain by allowing the body to release physical trauma
Improves connection to your hearts desire
Improves connection to others
Experience safety and love
Provides an opportunity to trust yourself and others
What to bring to an Ocean Float?
Bathing suit
Shelley will have ocean friendly sunscreen, water and snacks.
Book a Float
There are 3 group ocean floats scheduled for summer 2022 in New Smyrna Beach, Florida.
Email to schedule your individual, couples or personalized group float